Sustainability Report
The aim of this report is to present N.E. CHEMCAT's approach to sustainability and its efforts to help solve environmental and social issues through its business activities. The company's wide range of initiatives related to sustainability are presented in the ESG categories of environment, society, and governance.
We hope this report will help our stakeholders gain a better understanding of our sustainability management.
Sustainability Report2024

- Sustainability Report(Full pages PDF : 5.5 MB)
- Corporate Philosophy/ Contents/ Editorial Policy(PDF : 0.5 MB)
- Message from the President(PDF : 0.4 MB)
- History of N.E. CHEMCAT(PDF : 1.1 MB)
- N.E. CHEMCAT Business Fields(PDF : 0.7 MB)
- Helping to Build a Sustainable Future(PDF : 1.3 MB)
- Long-Term Vision(PDF : 0.3 MB)
- Feature Article:Creating New Value for Catalysts to Build a Sustainable Future(PDF : 0.5 MB)
- Sustainability Management(PDF : 0.5 MB)
- Responsible Care Activities/ Environmental Initiatives(PDF : 0.4 MB)
- Together with Customers: Quality Assurance Activities(PDF : 0.3 MB)
- Cooperating with Business Partners: CSR Procurement(PDF : 0.2 MB)
- Cooperating with Employees: Human Resource Development/ Occupational Health & Safety(PDF : 0.4 MB)
- Stakeholder Engagement(PDF : 0.4 MB)
- Corporate Governance & Compliance(PDF : 0.2 MB)
- Compliance & Risk Management(PDF : 0.2 MB)
- ESG data(PDF : 0.2 MB)