Palladium catalyst is the most-used precious metal in a variety of fields. Especially at hydrogeneration of olefin and aromatic nitro compounds, chemical reaction is caused at lower temperature and pressure compared to skeletal nickel. The quantity of catalyst needed for such hydrogeneration and side reactions are small. It is also used for hydrogeneration of dehalogenation, debenzylation and aromatic carbonyls, and used for various syntheses of fine chemicals.
Example of Industrial Uses
- Synthesis of vinyl acetate (materials of resin, glue and chewing gum base)
- Refinery of pure terephthalic acid (PTA) (materials of PET bottle and polyester filament)
- Synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates (antihypertensive drug, antibiotics and antidiabetic drug)
- Pretreatment agent for production of high purity gas (gas used in production of semiconductors)
- Synthesis of hydroxylamine (raw material for nylon)
- Synthesis of hydrogen peroxide (bleaching agent for laundry, bleaching foods and cleaner of semiconductors)