Together with Customers

Since its founding, N.E. CHEMCAT has provided high-quality products and services that earn the confidence of customers and meet their expectations. We strive to improve our quality on a daily basis so that we can work with customers to provide them with optimal solutions.

Quality Management System

At N.E. CHEMCAT, the General Manager of the Production & Technology Div. is ultimately responsible for service quality assurance and product liability, and oversees the company's quality assurance activities.

Our quality management system has been certified under the ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 programs, and we provide a stable supply of high-quality products.

Business Sites That Have Acquired Quality Management System Certification

ISO9001:2015 Numazu Plant
IATF16949:2016 (Auto Exhaust Catalysts) Head Office, Numazu Plant, and Tsukuba Plant

Quality Audits

Based on our quality management system, each plant conducts external and internal quality audits once a year.

Continuous Quality Improvement

N.E. CHEMCAT makes the following efforts to continuously improve quality.

Internal Bodies for Quality Improvement

The company has established the following bodies for quality improvement, and has established a system enabling departments to cooperate for enhancing quality.

  • Audit Reporting Committee
  • Quality Committee
  • Quality Manufacturing Liaison Committee
  • Quality Defect Reporting Committee
  • Quality Patrol

Global Cooperation system

Our technology transfer system has been created to enable manufacturing of auto exhaust and other catalysts developed in Japan at overseas production plants without any loss of product performance.

We also regularly share technical information with the BASF Group and adopt the latest technology to further enhance quality.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

We often work closely with our customers, from catalyst development to scale-up. In order to further improve customer satisfaction and quality, we conduct an annual Customer Satisfaction Survey.

The results are used for our continual quality improvement.

Main Quality Control Training in FY2022

Training Programs Plants/ Sections
Fundamentals of manufacturing Numazu/ Tsukuba
Introduction to IATF for new process owners / scopes due to organizational change Numazu/ Head office
IATF process approach Tsukuba
IATF standards study group Numazu
IATF core tools Head office
Corrective action review using QMS-style cause investigation diagram and Naze-naze Analysis Numazu
Supplier Audit Approach Numazu
Measurement system analysis (MSA) Tsukuba
Measurement instrument and apparatus management Tsukuba
CP and P-FMEA preparation Numazu/ Tsukuba