Materiality and Identification Process
To identify our material issues, we set up an ESG & SDGs Promotion Project team made up of employees and held discussions for about five months. Based on our past and present initiatives that are closely related to ESG and SDG issues, and a discussion of the company's vision for the future, we identified the issues N.E. CHEMCAT should address.
The issues were categorized into the two areas of economic and social value, before being prioritized, and the results were mapped.
Through this mapping, initiatives with both high economic and social value were identified as key candidate issues. After consulting external experts, eight material issues were chosen.
Elements for Practicing Sustainability Management
To ensure the effective practice of sustainability management, we categorized the chosen material issues into three elements and identified the relationship with each one.
The elements are: (1) Developing products to help solve social issues; (2) Building sustainable supply chains and operations; and (3) Building solid management infrastructure.
Moreover, each material issue has been arranged from the perspective of important ESG issues and SDGs. Specific individual issues are now incorporated into our Vision 2030, and we are pursuing various initiatives accordingly.
Required Elements for Sustainability Management
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Material Issues of N.E. CHEMCAT
Shown below are the details of the material issues identified by our company, organized and presented with respect to the ESG-based targets and the SDGs.
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We are committed to solving societal problems and attaining sustainable growth by making serious efforts to tackle these material issues and putting sustainable management into practice.