Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact

Promote Energy Conservation

Our Energy Management Committee promotes company-wide energy plans, including the adoption of new energy-saving technologies.

We have also positioned dedicated efforts to reduce environmentally hazardous substances and prevent environmental accidents and occupational accidents and injuries in all business activities as one of the 16 key drivers to achieve Vision 2030.

Annual Energy Consumption

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity

We have set a target to achieve a 50% reduction in our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity by 2030, compared to the 2013 level. GHG emissions are considered to be the cause of global warming, and we are pursuing initiatives to reduce them.

Initiatives for Target Achievement
  • Energy conservation and loss reduction measures for electricity and liquefied natural gas (LNG) use (installation of LED lighting and higher-efficiency air conditioning equipment)
  • Adoption of highly energy-efficient equipment and technology
  • Improvement in development and production efficiency
  • Adoption of renewable energy

Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Emissions Intensity*

  • *Setting the level of GHG emission intensity for FY2013 as 100%

Effective Water Use

We have our own water supply facilities and strive to minimize water usage.

In addition, some wastewater is reused for rooftop sprinkling and other purposes.

Annual Water Use and Industrial Wastewater Discharge

Effective Resource Use

Precious Metal Recycling

Platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), rhodium (Rh), ruthenium (Ru), and other precious metals can be found in spent catalysts.

Since they are important resources, N.E. CHEMCAT has its own facilities for recovery and refining of these metals.

High-quality precious metals can be separated, recovered, and refined using appropriate technology.

This is true even when the post-use precious metal catalyst contains multiple precious metal types, additives, and/or toxic substances that accumulate during use.

Each metal is recovered with a purity of 99.9% or higher purity as shown below.

We are developing new adsorbents and further improving other recovery technology to enable more efficient precious metal recovery.

  • *Ruthenium is recovered as ruthenium chloride.

Waste Reduction

Wastewater sludge accounts for the largest volume of waste emitted by the company. In order to reduce this waste, we have been enhancing our production processes and updating equipment and machinery.

Annual Industrial Waste Generation

Amount and Percentage of Industrial Waste Reused and Recycled

Management of Chemical Substances

Along with managing chemical substances handled internally, we are promoting chemical substance management for all raw materials and products used in our processes from design to manufacturing and delivery.

Compliance with Chemical Substances Regulations
N.E. CHEMCAT complies with all relevant laws and regulations including Japanʹs Act on the Regulation of Manufacture and Evaluation of Chemical Substances (Chemical Control Law), Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (Chemical Management Law), and Industrial Safety and Health Act.
The appropriate management procedures are stipulated in our Chemical Substance Management Regulations, and chemicals are being properly managed accordingly.

In addition, as part of our efforts to comply with the REACH regulation, we check the annual quantity of products exported to the EU and complete the necessary registrations.
Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products
For chemical substances contained in products, we have established control standards for each phase of the supply chain (1. purchasing, 2. manufacturing, and 3. delivery), and are working to ensure appropriate management throughout the supply chain.

To manage chemical substances contained in products throughout the supply chain, it is essential to manage chemical substances contained in products and intermediates converted from chemicals (raw materials).

Starting from the design and development stage of our products, we check for chemical substances contained in our supply chain and consider whether they are subject to legal regulations. Based on our findings, we implement product and process design that allows for managing chemical substance volume and preventing contamination.

Supply Chain and Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products

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Biodiversity Initiatives

N.E. CHEMCAT, which operates in Numazu City, is working to protect the water environment as a participant of the Kano River System Water Quality Conservation Council, which works to promote water quality and environmental conservation in the Kise River, a tributary of the Kano River, and other rivers that flow into it.

In FY2023, the council conducted activities that included aquatic life observation events, cleanup and beautification events, and environmental lectures on biodiversity and invasive species. By belonging to the organization and supporting its activities, we protect the water quality of the Kano River system, which is home to many organisms such as fish and birds, and contribute to biodiversity conservation.